Conflict of Reasons

 As days in a city progresses, life hits its height of monotony. And then various thoughts hover around and one introspects of various events thus far. Hence, one of my Facebook status read:

Happiness, Sadness, Curiosity, Confusion, Love, Hatred, Frustration, Relief... All at once.. how do one manage this..

Well yes, I was pondering through all these things and was confused about different events happening in my life. My closest of friends know it. And then I was trying to understand the course in which I am flowing. The success notes I hit, the denials I got, the arguments I had all took me to state of confusion. And then I can't resist pondering on the different aspects of life and the causes for such confusion. I then understood that the main cause of such denials and refusals are the conflicts between different people.
Such conflicts lead to some unstable and uncomfortable situations. Well, then what is the cause of such conflicts ? After a lot of thinking I feel conflicts are not between people but between reasons. Every person has a reason for an action or a behavior. Any action of denial/refusal thus is dominance of one reason over the other. So the issue is not with person but reasons which make him take such stands. The reasons could be situational or circumstantial. It could be inherent attitude or characteristic of a person to dominate.
If one starts comparing, every one would be having a stronger reason for an action. How can we evaluate the superiority of one reason over the other? How can anyone while refusing/denying feel that their reason pertaining to such an action is justifiable?
So it is all just a situational stand motivated by some gut feeling or a perception that makes one person dominate over the other. And then we tend to get depressed and sad over such things. Do we need to do that ? Failure of a reason doesn't mean its failure of a person.Its all how one can make his reason dominant over other. It doesn't mean that the person is incapable. It just gives him an opportunity to understand why he was denied/refused of what he probably deserved.
Its well said .. "Whatever happens; happens for a reason"

I would say, "Whatever happens; happens for a conflict of reason"

Hence, in my perspective.. Conflict of Reasons play a significant role and we can alter various situations just by analyzing our situations and carving out such reasons which would strengthen our position.

And my only wish, let the right, relevant and just reason win the Conflict.


Unknown said…
"Conflict of Reasons" the write-up is awsome and very true..I think its only the situation when which makes you u decide the priority of a reason......this is the situation when u know the reason.....what if there is a situation when u actually don't know the reason.....that y certain things happen ???? things are really getting no more questions :)
Unknown said…
Good write up.. Living in a busy city surely brings out a lot of emotions even from the most reserved people..
Well I think there could be conflict of reasons but the only factor that decides the damaging or deepening a relationship with anyone is Attitude.
Sheetal Mehta said…
Rightly said, Reasons reflect ones attitude which is the sum of feelings and belief…
And… Failure of a reason doesn't mean its failure of a person.. this reminds me of pepsodent adv ((mera toothpaste fail hua he, mein nahi ) which aptly describes this fact.. :)

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