Media - Pillar of Support.. Is it ?

Thanks for the comments on my previous blog, I think my subject empathized with many of my friends.

Couple of weeks back I was working and I received a mail. It had a link (
) which took me to another blog depicting news clips of the very famous India TV. You all would understand the amusement I went through when you visit this link.

This reminded me of a heated discussion between me and my friends about the relevance of such contents. One section of the group was supporting the contents and one section was vehemently opposing it.

Well, after having a look at the news channels off late a thought struck me. I was trying to understand the role of Media. I was wondering whether media's role is to bring out the reality happening around or aggravate a situation further. I believe the latter role is quite prevalent these days. I would take up situations which would justify my stand on this.

Few days back there a very big agitation for a separate state Telengana. I think the way media reported the situation, it got aggravated. According to a friend of mine (and many others) there was just a minor agitation which was reported with sensationalism and this further aggravated it.

When MNIK was about to be released, a political party's threat was given very high importance. Actually the popularity of such parties is more because of Media. Once the media stops bringing them to the news; they would have no value and things won't get so serious.

There are many areas where such things happen. I feel there should be a Regulator for News Channels like the Censor Board for Movies. I and my friend were trying to evaluate such options, but freedom of speech is such a right that kills many a argument. I am not against the freedom given or used but then some sanity should be there.

Now I would appreciate media for its role played off late in trying to get into the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. Its just the lack of media in 1984, things got worse and the accused ran away. If media would have been in the strongest of state at that point of time things would have been certainly different.

Hence, Media is termed as the 4th pillar of the democracy and it should certainly act like a responsible body. Its good to investigate and prod but then everything has a limit. Let us look forward to a day where media is not about a TRP fight but it is more about the constructive stand it has taken.

We have some eminent media personnels who have been known for their candid opinions and any change would be brought out by them only.


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