The Most Awaited Verdict

India has always been known for its uniqueness in the secular status it possesses. There have been small threats in the form of some unwanted riots but then it has just strengthened our commitment towards secularism. 

But this country with such powerful values is sweating a lot as the D Date is closing in. This is the date which is scheduled for the historic Babri Masjid demolition verdict. We can see the impact of this date with the followings happening:

1. So many unwanted Deferments
2. Irrelevant petitions
3. Govt. making a plead to maintain law and order
4. The Controversial Place  is like a fortress with various arms of forces being deployed
5. Movie Releases being postponed.
6. High Alerts in states which have experienced riots like Gujrat, Maharashtra, MP, Bihar etc. 

So the government is very nervous and is leaving no stone unturned to control such a situation. But this is what is making me wonder. What has happened to the resilience of we Indians who have faced so many adversities and have still emerged united. One awaited verdict has put us on tenterhooks and we are worried. 

I think India is at a critical juncture of progress and development. At such a modern era where we are heading towards an eventful future, is it worth worrying, fighting for such issues. We need to focus more on curbing corruption (Biggest example seen in the form of CWG), poverty, illiteracy etc.

Over the time all the political parties seem to be equivocal in accepting the outcome of verdict. Hope better sense prevail in both quarters of religious polity and let us avoid any kind of violent way of nonacceptance. The other day I was listening to one of the members of our generation stating that the Young India doesn't care for such issues. This is really encouraging and hope that all of us have a similar opinion and move ahead with things.

Such an India heralds the future of this country and will help us in building an India which is free from Religious Discord, Corruption, Illiteracy, Poverty etc. 

With Sept. 30 3:30 pm, when the verdict will be pronounced I hope India shows the patience and accepts the verdict with grace. 


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