Is Paradox a Transient State !!!


This is my 1st blog... Will start with talking about something which really fascinates me. It is the word Paradox ! My buddies at Symbi would attest it. I use it frequently...
Actually my gtalk message reads "Is Paradox a transient state". Well, no one gave me an apt answer. The reasons: It wouldn't have enticed anyone or some would have brushed it as a weird thought or some who thought were unable to observe the things existing around....

The dictionary defines it as "
a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth."
It says it all..... This is the reason behind me getting curious about Paradox...
Ponder on the meaning which says "A POSSIBLE TRUTH"

Now my question: "Is paradox a transient state ?"

Well, the state of paradox is a state of imbalance.... According to nature, imbalance is never sustained. Then why we see paradox existing around us which are not momentary...

You don't accept it....

Then think about the Human Behavior experienced. Humans are the biggest Hypocrites. There are two or more faces which contradict each other and thus he qualifies as a paradox...

This justifies my views that there are paradoxes around us which are sustained....

So paradox is a sustained phenomenon in Humans !!!

Humans have this inexplicable capability to survive in a state of imbalance.

The paradoxical situation makes our rendezvous with life and its miseries lot more enterprising.
It helps us to identify the correct guise we should dorn at different situations and still sustain the "Possible Truth"

I personally have been benefited by Paradoxical situation. I learned a lot from my wrong judgments.

Thus I am striving hard to be Paradoxically Correct......

PS: I hope my views have given some a food for thought.... Hope to expect views especially critical views about it.


Unknown said…
DUDE.....dun u think...that this paradox...stuff have brought to another paradoxical situation in everybody's mind..i dun know whether word used by me is correct or not..but i know one thing this went above my head....dun wanna give much thought to i believe in a point that..whatever situation or condition u have in life...ultimately..end will be dun be in paradox....go back to ur work
Unknown said…
Yes, my friend i think paradox is a transient state. The thing abt paradox is it is a paradox when ppl 1st discover it. But then various theories emerge which refute or explain it. Thus, paradox evolves from speculation to hypothesis to philosophy to principle sometimes even into a formula which ppl use to explain the unexplainable.
Lets take Simpson's paradox for the sake of explaination--
the following article appeared in Washington Post
" The national average for the SAT went up only four points between 1981 and 2005…”
Ok, that doesn’t sound too good, especially with all the money and time that US has put into education. But wait, the article (in fact the same sentence) went on to add,
“, but the average for whites went up 10 points, for blacks 21 points, for Asians 37 points, for Mexicans 15 points, for Puerto Ricans 23 points and for American Indians 18 points.”
Wait!?! If every major subgroup went up by 10 points or more, how could the national average go up by only four points. The answer of course, is given by Simpson’s Paradox.

sample this

Suppose we had two sub-populations, the Hatfields and the McCoys. 85% of the people who took the Gap-Toothed-Bumpkin Exam in 2000 were Hatfields, and they scored an incredible 75 Points. The other 15% of the test takers were McCoys, who scored 45 points. This brought the national average for all bumpkins to 70.5 points. Now time passes, and the Hatfields have raised their average to 80 points, up 5 points. The McCoys have raised their average a whopping 15 points, to have an average of 60, and there are now many more of them testing, in fact, there are now as many McCoys taking the test as Hatfields. So the overall national average is 70 points…. ???? What??? That is ½ a point below what is was before the improvements in both groups.

So, A paradox retains its character until someone discovers it

Humans may have this capability to survive in a state of imbalance, but they dont really want to be in such a state. The world we say always moves in the direction of less entropy (???..physical chemistry,i guess) and more so the ppl who live in it.
Thats why Abraham Maslow's pyramid is still shown the way it is rather other way round (hope nathan reads it).
ќđ said…
Paradox is indeed transient .... i would have loved to say more on this .. but comments rarely enable you to write long verbose prose about your arguments .... nevertheless ... good "first blog" .... hope you continue writing ... and BTw .. you should read HitchHiker's Guide to the galaxy ..... you'll be assured that paradox is transient and supremely amusing too ..

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