3 Mistakes or My Mistake...

Hi Guys..

This blog is for those who have read 3 Mistakes by Chetan Bhagat...

Hey Don't worry me not discussing the Story here...

This book shows that an author can be called so only when he writes from the heart...
I considered Chetan to be an author in making when he wrote 5.Someone...
But this book disappointed me. I expected a lot from the book. The book does not have soul. The book is a random web of characters painted in an unrelated backdrop of events. This book could have been crafted well... Nevertheless it does showcase some critical mistakes... Quite generic for all.
But Chetan still needs to go a long way before any claims of being an author.

I had read "My Experiments with Truth" before this. My criticisms might be on account of a comparison. But still if I try to think without biases..... Chetan has to really prove something....

PS: Do read it... and post your views !!!


Unknown said…
i'd beg to differ...
even i ve read dat book.. i found it quite good... in fact at par wid 5 pnt smeone
one shud read the book not for sake of analysing it...its not a case study man... just read it for entertainment...u ll feel gud bout the book...
xperiments wid the truth is from completely different genre... so no point comparing the two...

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