
Showing posts from June, 2010

Conflict of Reasons

 As days in a city progresses, life hits its height of monotony. And then various thoughts hover around and one introspects of various events thus far. Hence, one of my Facebook status read: Happiness, Sadness, Curiosity, Confusion, Love, Hatred, Frustration, Relief... All at once.. how do one manage this.. Well yes, I was pondering through all these things and was confused about different events happening in my life. My closest of friends know it. And then I was trying to understand the course in which I am flowing. The success notes I hit, the denials I got, the arguments I had all took me to state of confusion. And then I can't resist pondering on the different aspects of life and the causes for such confusion. I then understood that the main cause of such denials and refusals are the conflicts between different people. Such conflicts lead to some unstable and uncomfortable situations. Well, then what is the cause of such conflicts ? After a lot of thinking I feel conflicts

Media - Pillar of Support.. Is it ?

Thanks for the comments on my previous blog, I think my subject empathized with many of my friends. Couple of weeks back I was working and I received a mail. It had a link ( ) which took me to another blog depicting news clips of the very famous India TV. You all would understand the amusement I went through when you visit this link. This reminded me of a heated discussion between me and my friends about the relevance of such contents. One section of the group was supporting the contents and one section was vehemently opposing it. Well, after having a look at the news channels off late a thought struck me. I was trying to understand the role of Media. I was wondering whether media's role is to bring out the reality happening around or aggravate a situation further. I believe the latter role is quite prevalent these days. I would take up situations which would justify my stand on this. Few days back there a very big agitation for a separa