Terrorist is in your backyard... Just Kill Him...

This morning woke I woke up with a news  "Osama Bin Laden killed". And then the videos / images validating his death flashed across news channels. How can we Indians be behind in reporting such an event, dramatizing every angle and thought around it.

Then a thought came, US is non-civilized, barbaric, cruel to have killed a terrorist. They could have rather arrested him, and after taking permission from Pakistani government, they could have taken him to US. Then kept him in a prison and ran a case for more than 3-4 years. Proved his conviction using key witnesses and a govt. lawyer fighting hard to defend him stating Laden is innocent and was brain-washed to carry out 09/11. This would have helped them build a global reputation and might have won Obama a Nobel again...

Then I thought, it is UNITED STATES OF AMERICA a global goon which knows how to find their way.

Then I quickly thought, some country has been doing such a benevolent act. Yes, it is our very own country India. It has been treating Kasab like a guest, providing him with food, security which he never would have got in Pakistan. Now Kasab will be fighting a case in Supreme Court which many of our own countrymen are never able to reach if wrongly convicted.

So why are we waiting for, what are we waiting for. When our Govt. will realize that keeping Kasab is not going to get us any inputs. We need not have to travel to some other country to kill him. He is a sinner who has killed many innocent people just for pleasure. Isn't this govt. answerable to their own country? Can we as a country afford his expenses when we have a lot to take care of? Execution of such a monster don't require anybody's permission or acceptance. Terrorist is in your back yard.. just kill him...

I am not a great fan of US as a country but will surely take this opportunity to appreciate them of what they have done. They worked hard to nail Laden and their forces must be proud. This is a strong commitment of political leaders towards their people, their pain and sufferings. US commands respect by such acts and they shall continue to. Hope countries like us take some inspiration and at least don't waste their time to kill a criminal residing in your own backyard.

Kudos US.. Wake up India...


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