Fountainhead - Justification of perspectives
We must have read so many books; which are beautiful work of fiction. How many times would an Author reiterate his/her perspective about the protagonist with series of incidents? How many times after reading a book you would wonder, who this story is about. Such is the prowess of Ayn Rand in presenting story of Roark, supposedly the protagonist. The Fountainhead is a brazen criticism of people who follow patterns, conventions and have an outlook for a safe and secure journey. It also goes on to insult people who work/create to please the system or a sect compromising one's own thoughts and beliefs. The story begins with a comparative portrait of two architects Howard Roark and Peter Keating on choice of ways to achieve creativity. Roark believes in his own methods and reasoning about his creative instincts. He is ready to traverse an arduous path for proving his perspective to the world which believes only in conventions. Peter on the other hand prefers to have a...