Deceiving Development: A Harsh Truth

Here I go .. After ages motivating myself to write something.

The other day I was going to South Mumbai taking the Harbor Line. As the train started chugging through the harbor suburbs, we entered a series of stations which depicted a very sad face of this city. The train passed through some interior parts crossing slum areas. I probably can't put it in words the condition of people living in these areas. It was horrible to say the least. The chals in those places looked so weird, whose facade were extremely opposite to the skyscrapers this city is known for. There were garbage dumps all over the place and drains with stagnated water.  There were vegetable shops, tea stalls between two track lines. I was wondering how can people live in such a filthy place. But then thought, this is one of the crude faces of life and this city which is termed as the Financial Capital of this Country.

Why blame only this city when there are several such cities in this country which have such pathetic face at its disposal. Now the question which struck me hard is .. Where are we heading as a country? We are at such an uneven platform where some haven't seen a bulb lighted in their house but "someone" in this country pays monthly electricity bill of INR 70 lacs. There are people who have no money to buy basic essentials and there are people who have together laundered crores of money. Lets not forget the fortunes hidden in European banks.

Then who are we? Are we a poor country or we are richer than many of the Asian countries? Governments come and go claiming that we are developing and developing.. I guess we shall be the only country which will be developing till eternity.

Many might criticize me for bringing such saddening thoughts, but I think in some point of our busy schedule we need to sit and think about this.

I have just tried to speak about the problem  but the solution to this is the biggest challenge and I wonder how we will be achieving this. But then it was great to see one man showing us the way for solving such issues. Let us hope that more people like Anna Hazare start taking reins and then we can see India in the course of actual development.


good one and nails the issue on the head.. I have to point out here that when I visited my native Ernakulam some months back there were some people encroaching an empty land and building shanties there. the very next day residents alongwith the local corporator ensured that they are cleaned. These encroachers are not Keralaites but some people from north is what was my best guess.
Timely action and alert citizens contribute to a nation's development. kerala was named the state with most development. My uncle told me that these encroachers dont have a ration card. They would live here and then make a ration card somehow and continue living there. SO we have to act before that. Their proactiveness stumped me.

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