Hi... Nice comments buddies... Thanks This morning I was coming to office. I have to cross "The Happening" Place of Bangalore - FORUM. But in the morning... It bears a silence of graveyard. Well I was passing by the side of Forum... I saw a lady... This would have raised brows by now !!! relax.... I was well behind her... She was carrying a school bag on her back... She had a ladies bag in her left hand and a heavy (it seemed to be ) shopping bag on her right. She was walking hurriedly with discomfort. When you look or observe a lady... you usually tend to forget the surroundings.... Slowly my eyes shifted to a kid walking randomly, roughly 10 feet behind her in uniform. The lady looked back and gave a stare (Hey not on me !!!) and the kid ran quickly to reach her. I quickly realized that she was..... a mother.... Hats off to the Resilience !!!